Start 2025 with 31 Days of Wisdom from Proverbs —a daily devotional journey through the Book of Proverbs!

Beginning Wednesday, January 1, we’ll read one chapter of Proverbs daily. Whether you’re new to Bible reading or want to enrich your routine, this devotional is for YOU!

How to join:

  • Read the chapter of Proverbs for the day.

  • Follow along with reflections and prompts we’ll share here daily.

  • Share your favorite verse or insight using #WisdomInProverbs2025 to inspire others!

Let’s seek God’s wisdom together and kick-start the new year with His Word as our guide. 🙏

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.” – Proverbs 1:7

Daily Devotions

January 1

S – Scripture (Anchors the devotional in God’s Word.) 

Proverbs 1 


I - In Focus (Highlights the central thought for meditation.) 

“The proverbs of Solomon son of David, king of Israel: for gaining wisdom and instruction; for understanding words of insight; for receiving instruction in prudent behavior, doing what is right and just and fair...” 

— Proverbs 1:1-3 (NIV) 


T – Theme (Presents the main takeaway.) 

Purpose: Everything has a purpose. 

The purpose of Proverbs is to guide us toward wisdom, discipline, and understanding—all rooted in God. 


D – Devotional (Unpacks the message with insights and relevance.) 

Every single word in the Bible is intentional. God doesn’t waste words, and Proverbs 1 makes that clear from the start. Solomon, the author of Proverbs, tells us why he wrote this book: to give us wisdom and practical tools to live a life that pleases God. It’s like a map for the journey of life, and each Proverb is a signpost guiding us in the right direction.   

But Proverbs isn’t just about head knowledge—it’s about living a life of purpose. Verses 2 and 3 explain that wisdom isn’t just knowing what’s right; it’s about doing what’s right, living with integrity, and treating others fairly. In verse 7, Solomon says something even more foundational: true wisdom starts with the fear of the Lord. That means recognizing who God is, standing in awe of Him, and letting that reverence shape every part of your life.   

Without God, Proverbs would be a collection of clever sayings, like quotes from a motivational speaker. But God didn’t send Jesus so we could just clean up our behavior or look wise in front of others. He came to transform our hearts. When we fear the Lord, we’re not just seeking behavior modification; we’re seeking heart transformation. That’s the real purpose of Proverbs: to align your heart with God’s.   

So as you sit with Proverbs today, let God’s purpose for this book—and for your life—sink in. Stay focused on Him, and let Him use these words to shape your heart and guide your steps. 


O - Own It (Invites personal application and reflection.) 

Which Proverb from today’s passage grabbed your attention the most? Write it down, memorize it, and revisit it throughout your day. What is God teaching you through it?   


W - Worship through Prayer (Offers a heartfelt response to God.) 

Lord, thank You for the gift of Your Word and the wisdom You give through Proverbs. Help me to stay focused on You today and to live out the purpose You have for me. Transform my heart and guide my steps. Amen.   


N - Next Steps (Provides practical ways to live out the message.) 

Keep your chosen Proverb close today—whether by writing it on a sticky note, setting it as your phone background, or reciting it during quiet moments. Let it remind you to stay focused on God as you go about your day.   

January 2

S - Scripture 

Proverbs 2 


I - In Focus 

“My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands. Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding. Search for them as you would for silver; seek them like hidden treasures. Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God.” 

— Proverbs 2:1–5 (NLT)   


T - Theme 

Please Listen   

Listening to God opens the door to understanding and knowing Him.   


D - Devotional 

Have you ever had a conversation with someone who wasn’t really listening? Maybe they were nodding along while scrolling through their phone or mentally crafting their response instead of hearing your words. It’s frustrating, isn’t it?   

In Proverbs 2, Solomon pleads with us to really listen—not with half-hearted ears, but with full attention. The words he uses, like “tune,” “cry out,” and “search,” all speak to the effort it takes to listen well. This isn’t passive listening; it’s an active pursuit of wisdom, like searching for buried treasure.   

Vernon McLellan once said, “God still speaks to those who take time to listen.” That’s a comforting thought, but it’s also a challenge. How often do we truly take time to sit quietly before God, to focus on His Word, and to ask Him to guide us? Proverbs 2 promises that when we listen this way, we’ll discover two priceless treasures: the fear of the Lord and the knowledge of God.   

Listening to God doesn’t mean we’ll hear an audible voice booming from the sky. It often means spending time in Scripture, praying with expectation, and being silent enough to sense His guidance in our hearts. Just like Stephen Covey’s advice to “seek first to understand, then to be understood,” let’s approach God with the desire to understand what He’s teaching us. When we do, our hearts align with His, and His wisdom becomes ours.   

So today, take time to listen. Treasure God’s commands, cry out for insight, and tune your ears to wisdom. You may be surprised by what He reveals. 

O - Own It 

Are you struggling to hear God’s voice? Remember, He still speaks to those who listen. Spend time today tuning your heart to Him.   


W - Worship through Prayer 

Lord, help me to quiet my heart and listen to You. Teach me Your wisdom, and guide me to understand Your ways.   


N - Next Steps 

Before or after you pray today, take a moment to sit in silence and listen for God’s voice. Write down anything He places on your heart.   

January 3

S - Scripture 

Proverbs 3 


I - In Focus 

"Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and turn away from evil." 

— Proverbs 3:7 (NASB 2020)   


T - Theme 

Pay attention when God says, “Do not.”   


D - Devotional 

Let’s be honest—how do you react when someone tells you, “Do not...”? Maybe you’re tempted to push back and do the opposite just to prove you can. But when God speaks a “Do not” in His Word, it’s not about control—it’s about protecting us and guiding us toward His best for our lives.   

Proverbs 3 is packed with “Do not” instructions—eleven in total! Each one is an invitation to live wisely and walk closely with God. Here are a few examples:   

- “Do not forget my teaching, but have your heart comply with my commandments” (Proverbs 3:1). God’s Word isn’t just something to memorize; it’s something to treasure in our hearts and live out daily.   

- “Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and turn away from evil” (Proverbs 3:7). When we think we’ve got it all figured out, pride sneaks in. Trusting God and leaning on His wisdom keeps us on the right path.    

- “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it” (Proverbs 3:27). This one hits close to home. If you can do good for someone today, don’t wait until tomorrow—do it now!   

The repetition of “Do not” in this chapter is like a loving parent pleading with a child to listen: Please pay attention. What I’m telling you is for your good.* God’s boundaries and commands aren’t there to restrict us but to help us live lives that honor Him and bless others.   

So the next time you read a “Do not” in Scripture, don’t brush it off. Instead, lean in and ask, “Lord, what are You trying to teach me through this?” You might just discover the wisdom you’ve been searching for. 


O - Own It 

Are you willing to listen when God gives you instructions? Take a moment to reflect on the “Do not” commands in Proverbs 3. Which one speaks to you the most today?   


W - Worship through Prayer 

Lord, thank You for Your loving instructions in Proverbs. Help me to listen closely, trust Your wisdom, and follow Your ways. Keep my heart soft and ready to obey.   


N - Next Steps 

Stay sensitive to God’s voice by staying in His Word. Make it a goal to read Proverbs 3 today and write down one “Do not” instruction to focus on and follow.   

January 4

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word. 

Proverbs 4 


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation. 

Proverbs 4:23 – “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” 


T - Theme presents the main takeaway. 

The Heart 


D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance. 

Have you ever stopped to think about your ribs? They’re more than just bones—they’re a shield. These 12 pairs of bones form a protective cage around some of your most vital organs, like your heart and lungs, keeping them safe from harm. But the ribcage doesn’t just protect—it supports breathing, posture, and movement. 

In the same way, Proverbs 4:23 urges us to guard our hearts: “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” The Bible uses “heart” to describe more than just feelings—it’s the center of our thoughts, desires, and decisions. And just as our ribcage shields the heart physically, God calls us to protect our hearts spiritually. 

Here’s the truth: What goes into your heart will eventually shape what comes out. Garbage in, garbage out. If we allow negativity, temptation, or worldly influences to take root, they’ll begin to show up in our words, actions, and choices. 

So, how do we guard our hearts? By filling them with God’s truth. His Word acts like a filter, helping us sort out what should stay and what needs to go. When we stay rooted in Scripture, we allow God to shape our thoughts, desires, and actions for His glory. 

O - Own It invites personal application and reflection. 

Take a moment to reflect: What’s been influencing your heart lately? Are there habits, relationships, or media choices that are leading you closer to God—or pulling you away? How can you guard the springs of your life today? 


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God. 

Lord, thank You for Your Word, which protects and shapes my heart. Help me to guard my heart with Your truth and to filter out anything that leads me away from You. Amen. 


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message. 

This day/week/month, evaluate your influences. Identify one habit, show, or relationship to adjust and one godly influence to lean into—like spending more time in prayer or Scripture. 

January 5

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word. 

Proverbs 5 


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation. 

“My child, be attentive to my wisdom, pay close attention to my understanding.” (Proverbs 5:1, NET) 


T - Theme presents the main takeaway. 

Disengaging Autopilot 


D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance. 

Have you ever heard about Tesla’s Autopilot system? It’s a pretty amazing piece of technology—using cameras and sensors, it can keep the car in its lane, adjust speed, and even steer. But here’s the catch: Tesla warns drivers to stay alert and ready to take over at any moment. Why? Because Autopilot isn’t perfect, and if you rely on it completely, you might end up in trouble. 

Now, think about life for a second. How often do we live on autopilot? We go through the motions—wake up, work, eat, sleep—without paying much attention to where we’re going or how we’re getting there. Proverbs 5:1 speaks directly to this: “My child, be attentive to my wisdom, pay close attention to my understanding.” 

God’s wisdom is like a loving parent calling out, “Wake up! Pay attention!” When we disengage spiritually and stop listening to wisdom, we can find ourselves drifting toward trouble. Our brains naturally seek efficiency, building habits to get through the day. But not every habit is a good one, and some lead us far from God’s path. 

Today, let’s be intentional about pressing pause on autopilot. Let’s stay alert to God’s voice through His Word and through the people He’s placed in our lives. 


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection. 

Take a moment to ask yourself: Am I truly paying attention to the wisdom God is trying to speak into my life? Are there areas where I’ve been coasting instead of staying engaged with Him? 


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God. 

Lord, help me to stay awake to Your wisdom today. Teach me to listen and be attentive so that I can follow You more closely. Help me focus on Jesus in everything I do. Amen. 


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message. 

This week, reflect on how you respond to wisdom in your life. Are you open to godly advice, or have you been resisting it? Ask someone you trust to share truth with you in love—and make it a point to listen with an open heart. 

January 6

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word. 

Proverbs 6 


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation. 

“A worthless person, a wicked man, goes about with crooked speech, winks with his eyes, signals with his feet, points with his finger, with perverted heart devises evil, continually sowing discord; therefore calamity will come upon him suddenly; in a moment he will be broken beyond healing.” (Proverbs 6:12–15, ESV) 


T - Theme presents the main takeaway. 



D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance. 

What comes to mind when you think about character? Maybe it’s integrity, kindness, or how consistent someone’s actions are with their beliefs. At its core, character is about the moral and ethical qualities that define who we are and how we interact with others. 

Strong character doesn’t just happen—it’s built over time. And the foundation? It’s Christ. When we focus on Him, He shapes our integrity, values, and behavior. 

Proverbs 6:12-15 paints a vivid picture of someone with poor character. Their crooked speech, deceptive actions, and constant stirring of trouble reveal a heart that’s far from God. What’s the outcome? Calamity strikes suddenly. It’s a sobering reminder of how our character—or lack of it—can determine the course of our lives. 

But here’s the good news: when we fix our eyes on Jesus, He transforms our hearts and makes our character strong and steadfast. A Christ-centered character doesn’t just impact us—it influences how we treat others, handle challenges, and make decisions. It becomes a witness to the world of God’s power in our lives. 

So, how’s your character today? Is it rooted in Christ, or are there areas that need His refining touch? Let’s invite Him to shape us into people of integrity who reflect His love in everything we do. 


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection. 

Christ builds character. Take a moment to reflect: Is your character solid, or are there cracks that need Jesus’ attention? What’s one way you can focus on Him today? 


W - Worship Through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God. 

Lord, thank You for being the foundation of true character. Help me to keep my focus on Jesus so that my thoughts, words, and actions reflect Your love and truth. Shape me into the person You’ve called me to be. Amen. 


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message. 

Take one practical step to focus on Jesus today—whether it’s through prayer, reading Scripture, or showing kindness to someone in need. Let Christ strengthen your character as you seek Him first. 

January 7

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word: 

“My son, keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you…to keep you from the forbidden woman, from the adulteress with her smooth words.” (Proverbs 7:1, 5, ESV) 


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation: 

Distractions can detour us from God’s path. 


T - Theme presents the main takeaway: 

Distracted Driving: A Dangerous Detour 


D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance: 

We all know how dangerous it is to text and drive. Taking your eyes off the road, even for a moment, can lead to disaster. Life is no different—distractions can pull us off course in ways that are just as devastating. 

Proverbs 7 paints a vivid picture of a “forbidden woman” whose enticing words and actions lead to ruin. While this passage refers to an adulteress, the principle applies to any distraction that takes our focus off God’s plan. It might be binge-watching TV, endless scrolling on social media, or even relationships that don’t honor God.  

At first, these distractions seem harmless, maybe even fun. But they often lead to regret, wasted time, and missed opportunities to walk closely with Jesus. 

Just like a driver must stay alert and focused to avoid accidents, we must guard our hearts and minds against anything that threatens to pull us away from God’s purpose. 


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection: 

What are the distractions in your life? Are they keeping you from being fully present with God? 


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God: 

Lord, help me stay focused on Your path. Protect me from distractions that lead me away from You. Amen. 


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message: 

Identify one distraction that often derails you. Whether it’s an app, a habit, or a mindset, take steps today to limit its influence. Replace that time or energy with something that draws you closer to God—like prayer, reading His Word, or encouraging someone. 

January 8

SIT DOWN Devotional – Proverbs 8 

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word: 

Proverbs 8:36 – “But he who fails to find me injures himself; all who hate me love death.” 


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation: 

True wisdom protects us from harm; neglecting it leads to injury. 


T - Theme presents the main takeaway: 

Avoiding Injury 


D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance: 

Have you ever had an injury that seemed small but lingered? In college, I constantly sprained my ankles. They didn’t break, but the pain and setbacks were frustrating. I taped, braced, and adjusted, but my ankles stayed weak for years. Only recently did they stop popping when I walked! 

Why do I bring this up? Because no one enjoys being injured. We avoid dangerous situations, exercise, and go for checkups—all to stay healthy. But how often do we think about protecting ourselves spiritually? 

Proverbs 8:36 says that failing to find wisdom is like injuring yourself. Wisdom, here, speaks as a voice that urges us to listen and seek what’s good. If we ignore it, we’re headed toward pain. So how do we find wisdom? 

We find it by spending time with God through His Word, praying, and learning from wise, godly mentors. True wisdom doesn’t just come from books or experience—it comes from God Himself. When we seek Him first, He strengthens and steadies us to avoid the missteps that could lead to spiritual injury. 


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection: 

Are you protecting yourself spiritually? How often are you intentionally seeking God’s wisdom? 


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God:  

Lord, thank You for offering Your wisdom so freely. Help me to seek You daily and apply Your wisdom to avoid harmful choices. Amen. 


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message:  

Evaluate your sources of wisdom. Are they pointing you to God or the world? Identify at least one godly mentor you can connect with for guidance this week. And take time daily to pray and read God’s Word—you’ll find wisdom there. 


January 9

SIT DOWN Devotional – Proverbs 9 

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word: 

Proverbs 9 

I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation: 

Proverbs 9:7-9 – “Whoever corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse, and he who reproves a wicked man incurs injury… Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.” 


T - Theme presents the main takeaway: 

Are You Wasting Your Breath? Be wise with your words—some hearts are ready to receive, while others are not. 


D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance: 

Have you ever poured your heart out to someone, offering advice you knew could help, only to see it dismissed? It feels like pouring water on dry sand—it just disappears without a trace. That frustration of being unheard is something Proverbs 9 addresses clearly. 

In verses 7-9, we’re reminded that offering wisdom to someone unwilling to listen often leads to anger or rejection. In contrast, a wise person receives correction and grows stronger from it. Some people, as the Bible puts it, simply aren’t ready—they scoff, dismiss, and refuse to learn. 

But here’s the key: we’re not called to change hearts. That’s God’s work. We’re called to be faithful and discerning. Like a farmer who doesn’t waste seed on rocky ground, we must focus on those whose hearts are open and humble.  

Sharing wisdom isn’t about winning debates or forcing change—it’s about offering truth with love and discernment. When we encounter resistance, it’s not failure—it’s a reminder to trust God’s timing and keep our own hearts open to learning too. 


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection: 

Are you wise with your words? Are you sharing wisdom with open hearts—or trying to force it where it isn’t welcome? 


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God: 

Lord, help me to share Your wisdom with discernment and love. Keep my heart humble and open to Your correction so I can grow in Your truth. Amen. 


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message:  

When someone resists advice, pause and pray for them instead of pushing harder. Ask God to show you who is ready to listen and grow, and be open to learning from others when wisdom comes your way. 

January 10

SIT DOWN Devotional – Proverbs 10 

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word: 

Proverbs 10:5 – “The one who gathers crops in the summer is a wise son, but the one who sleeps during the harvest is a shameful son.” (NET) 


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation: 

True productivity is about doing the right things at the right time. 


T - Theme presents the main takeaway: 

Productivity: Seizing the Season 


D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance: 

Productivity has become a buzzword. Everyone’s looking for ways to get more done in less time. But being productive isn’t about checking endless boxes—it’s about choosing what matters most and doing it well. 

Proverbs 10:5 paints a clear picture of this: the wise son knows when it’s time to gather crops. He doesn’t wait until the season has passed. On the other hand, the son who sleeps through the harvest misses the opportunity entirely—and it’s a shame. 

This verse reminds me of Psalm 90:12, which says, “Teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom.” When we understand how brief and precious our time is, we start to focus less on busyness and more on purpose. The best productivity “hack” isn’t a fancy planner or app—it’s keeping Jesus at the center of our plans and asking Him what matters most each day. When we let Him guide our steps, we not only get things done but live meaningful lives that reflect His purpose. 


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection: 

Are you seizing the moments God gives you, or are you staying busy without purpose? What’s one area where you can refocus today? 


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God: 

Father, thank You for the time You’ve given me. Help me to prioritize Your plans over my busyness and follow Your lead each day. Amen. 


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message: 

  1. Spend 5 minutes in prayer, asking God what He wants you to focus on today. 

  2. Write down the top three things that align with His priorities. 

  3. Let go of unnecessary distractions and trust Him to lead you through a productive and meaningful day. 

January 11

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word: 

Proverbs 11:27 – “One who diligently seeks good seeks favor, but one who seeks evil, evil will come to him.” (NASB 2020) 


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation: 

What you seek in life, you often find. 


T - Theme presents the main takeaway: 



D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance: 

Growing up, did you ever play hide-and-seek? The fun wasn’t just in hiding—it was in the thrill of seeking and the joy of discovery. You searched, anticipating that exciting moment when you’d shout, “Found you!” 

Proverbs 11:27 gives us a life lesson wrapped in a simple truth: What you seek, you often find. If you search for goodness, you’ll find favor. But if you pursue what’s negative or harmful, trouble has a way of showing up. 

This verse invites us to be intentional about what we seek daily. Do you focus on seeing the good, or do you get caught up in negativity? Life can be full of both blessings and challenges. What you choose to look for often shapes your experience. 

In the same way that the seeker in the game stays focused on finding others, we must stay focused on seeking good things—kindness, wisdom, joy, and God’s guidance. When we do, not only do we find favor, but we also bring light into the lives of others. 

So, what are you seeking in your life right now? Is it something that honors God and fills your heart with His peace? 


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection: 

Take a moment to reflect: Are you seeking goodness and positivity, or are you stuck focusing on negativity? What small step can you take today to focus on the good? 


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God: 

Lord, help me to seek You, and by seeking You, I know that You will put me on the right path. Amen. 


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message: 

3 Acts of Goodness Challenge: 

  1. Compliment or encourage someone today. 

  2. Perform a small act of kindness—like holding the door or sending an uplifting message. 

  3. Avoid negative conversations. If negativity arises, redirect it to something positive. 

January 12

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word:  

Proverbs 12:1 – "One who loves discipline loves knowledge, but one who hates rebuke is stupid."  


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation:  

Discipline strengthens and refines us.  


T - Theme presents the main takeaway:  



D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance:  

Discipline. What comes to mind when you hear that word? Maybe getting in trouble as a kid? But in Proverbs, discipline is more than punishment—it’s training that makes us stronger and wiser.   

Dr. Peter Attia points out that 77% of Americans avoid regular exercise. Why? Because it’s tough! But as children of God, we’re made for tough things. Just like training makes our bodies stronger, discipline shapes our character and prepares us for greater things.  

When we embrace the "hard things" in life—whether learning a new skill, overcoming a challenge, or sticking to what’s right—we grow in strength and wisdom. Proverbs reminds us that those who love discipline grow in knowledge.   

What hard thing have you been putting off?  


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection:  

Ask yourself: What challenge is God calling me to embrace for my growth?  


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God:  

Lord, help me to embrace discipline and the tough things that lead to growth. Strengthen me to stay focused and faithful. Amen.  


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message:  

Today, do that tough thing you’ve been avoiding. Whether it’s a conversation, task, or habit—step into it with God’s strength.  

January 13

 S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word:  

Proverbs 13:20 – "The one who walks with the wise will become wise, but a companion of fools will suffer harm."  


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation:  

The company you keep shapes your decisions.  


T - Theme presents the main takeaway:  



D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance:  

"Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future." This saying holds incredible truth—our friends influence who we become. They either challenge us to grow or lead us astray.  

Proverbs 13:20 highlights that walking with wise people leads to wisdom, while surrounding yourself with foolish influences brings harm. Wise friends sharpen us and encourage us to make better choices.  

Who do you spend time with? Are your friends lifting you up or pulling you away from God’s path?  


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection:  

Reflect on your relationships. Are they helping you grow closer to God?  


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God:  

Lord, surround me with wise friends who point me to You. Help me be a wise influence in others' lives. Amen.  


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message:  

If certain relationships are leading you away from God, pray for wisdom and consider making changes. Choose to walk with people who inspire you to grow in faith.  

January 14

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word:  

Proverbs 14:23 – "There is profit in all hard work, but endless talk leads only to poverty."  


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation:  

Hard work produces results, not empty talk.  


T - Theme presents the main takeaway:  



D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance:  

Growing up, my dad would always say, "Let your work do your talking." He didn’t mean silence your voice—he meant that action speaks louder than empty promises.  

Proverbs reminds us that hard work leads to rewards, while endless talk leads nowhere. Whether at school, work, or in relationships, the effort we put in brings growth and blessings.  

What’s something you’ve been talking about but haven’t acted on yet?  


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection:  

Ask yourself: Where can I put in the work instead of just talking about it?  


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God:  

Lord, guide me to do the work You’ve called me to and honor You with my effort. Amen.  


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message:  

Take one goal today and move it forward with action. Start small, but stay consistent.  

January 15

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word:  

Proverbs 15:1 – "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."  


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation:  

Gentle words diffuse tension and foster peace.  


T - Theme presents the main takeaway:  



D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance:  

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?  

Proverbs 15:1 is a 13-word gem of wisdom: "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger."  

This verse reminds us that how we respond to others can make or break relationships. Kind, truthful, and necessary words bring peace, while harsh words spark division.  


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection:  

Before you speak, T.H.I.N.K.: 

- Is it Truthful?  

- Is it Helpful?  

- Is it Inspiring?  

- Is it Necessary?  

- Is it Kind?  


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God:  

Lord, help me to respond with gentleness and speak life-giving words. Amen.  


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message:  

Practice the T.H.I.N.K. approach today in your conversations.  

January 16

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word:  

Proverbs 16:18 – "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall."  


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation:  

Pride can lead to destruction, but humility grounds us.  


T - Theme presents the main takeaway:  

Pride: A Balancing Act  


D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance:  

We’ve all felt pride after an achievement—it’s natural. But when pride turns into arrogance, it becomes dangerous.  

Proverbs 16:18 warns us that unchecked pride leads to a downfall. Staying grounded means remembering that every gift and success we have comes from God.  


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection:  

When you feel pride creeping in, take a step back and give thanks to God for His blessings.  


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God:  

Lord, thank You for every gift You’ve given me. Help me stay humble and honor You. Amen.  


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message:  

Today, focus on serving someone else. Humility grows through service.  

January 17

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word:  

Proverbs 17:1 – "Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife."  


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation:  

True happiness comes from peace, not possessions.  


T - Theme presents the main takeaway:  



D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance:  

Have you ever heard the song “Wanna Be Happy” by Al Green and Kirk Franklin? It’s a reminder that real happiness isn’t found in possessions or perfect circumstances—it’s found in Christ.  

Proverbs 17:1 echoes this wisdom. Even a simple meal is better than a feast if it’s served with peace rather than strife.  

Our world often tells us that happiness comes from having more—more things, more achievements, more recognition. But as followers of Christ, we know that true happiness comes from giving our hearts to Jesus and letting Him guide our lives. When He takes the lead, we find a peace that nothing in this world can match.  


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection:  

Ask yourself: Am I chasing happiness through things or resting in the peace that Jesus provides?  


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God:  

Lord, thank You for being my true source of joy. Help me stay focused on You, even when life doesn’t go my way. Amen.  


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message:  

Take a few moments today to thank God for the peace He brings, even in challenging times. Let go of the need for things to make you happy, and rest in Him.  

January 18

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word:  

Proverbs 18:1 – "Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment."  


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation:  

Isolation can lead to unwise decisions and spiritual vulnerability.  


T - Theme presents the main takeaway:  



D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance:  

Humans are wired for connection. We need others, no matter who we are. While moments of solitude can be refreshing, isolation—especially when prolonged—can be damaging to our well-being.  

Proverbs 18:1 reminds us that when we isolate ourselves, we often do so to pursue selfish desires or avoid accountability. This makes us vulnerable to poor decisions and spiritual attacks.  

One of Satan’s sneakiest tactics is isolation. When we’re disconnected from others, he amplifies his lies: "You’re alone," "No one cares," "You’re better off by yourself." In reality, community is a gift from God—a way to stay strong, supported, and grounded.  


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection:  

Are you staying connected to people who care for you, or have you pulled away?  


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God:  

Lord, help me stay close to You and the people You’ve placed in my life. Guard me against isolation, and remind me that I am never truly alone. Amen.  


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message:  

No matter how you feel today, reach out to someone—whether it’s a text, a phone call, or a visit. Fight isolation by fostering connection.  

January 19

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word:  

Proverbs 19:20 – "Listen to advice and accept instruction, so that you may gain wisdom in the future."  


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation:  

Stubbornness can hinder growth if it closes us off from God’s truth.  


T - Theme presents the main takeaway:  



D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance:  

Have you ever thought about stubbornness as a strength? There are times when stubbornness—perseverance and holding firm to principles—can be admirable. But when it comes to the Word of God, stubbornness can be dangerous.  

Proverbs 19:20 reminds us that ignoring wise advice or instruction keeps us from growing in wisdom. Additionally, verse 27 warns that turning away from instruction leads us away from knowledge.  

God calls us to be teachable and humble. When we hold on to our own way too tightly, we may miss the blessings that come from obedience to His Word.  


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection:  

Ask yourself: Am I being stubborn in areas where I should be open to God’s instruction?  


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God:  

Lord, help me discern when to stand firm and when to surrender my stubbornness to You. Teach me to listen to Your wisdom and grow from it. Amen.  


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message:  

When you notice yourself being stubborn today, pause and ask God for guidance. Let Him shape your response.  

January 20

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word:  

Proverbs 20:3 – "It is an honor for a person to cease from strife, but every fool quarrels."  


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation:  

Avoiding unnecessary conflict leads to peace and wisdom.  


T - Theme presents the main takeaway:  

Early Warning Signs: Maintaining Peace  


D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance:  

My dad always told me to "listen to your car." He meant that I should pay attention to how it sounds, drives, and shifts—early warning signs of issues.  

Just like cars, our lives have warning signs. If we’re not paying attention, minor tensions can escalate into full-blown conflicts.  

Proverbs 20:3 tells us it’s honorable to step away from unnecessary arguments. While disagreements happen, wisdom calls us to seek peace instead of fueling strife.  


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection:  

Ask yourself: Have I noticed early signs of tension lately? How can I respond with grace and wisdom?  


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God:  

Lord, help me to recognize conflict early and respond with patience and peace. Amen.  


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message:  

Think about a recent disagreement. Were there warning signs? How could you have approached it differently? Next time, aim to de-escalate and choose peace.  

January 21

S - Scripture anchors the devotional in God’s Word:  

Proverbs 21:2 – "Every person’s way is right in their own eyes, but the Lord examines the hearts."  


I - In Focus highlights the central thought for meditation:  

God’s examination reveals the truth about our hearts.  


T - Theme presents the main takeaway:  



D - Devotional unpacks the message with insights and relevance:  

I’ve never loved exams—whether school tests or medical check-ups. But exams serve a purpose. They reveal areas we need to improve or address.  

Proverbs 21:2 reminds us that while we may think our ways are right, the Lord looks deeper—He examines our hearts. His “examination” isn’t to condemn us but to guide us toward truth and growth.  


O - Own It invites personal application and reflection:  

Are you willing to let the Lord examine your heart today?  


W - Worship through Prayer offers a heartfelt response to God:  

Lord, help me to be open to Your examination and trust Your wisdom. Amen.  


N - Next Steps provides practical ways to live out the message:  

Take a few quiet moments today to ask God to reveal areas where you need His guidance and correction.  

January 22

S - Scripture  
Proverbs 22  

I - In Focus  
“Incline your ear and listen to the words of the wise, and apply your mind to my instruction...” Proverbs 22:17-18 (NET)  

T - Theme  
Open Ears, Open Hearts  

D - Devotional  
Ever tried to assemble furniture without reading the instructions? It usually doesn’t go well. Life can feel the same way when we ignore God’s guidance. Thankfully, Proverbs 22:17-18 gives us a clear plan: listen to wisdom and apply it.  

But listening isn’t passive. It’s about being intentional with who you spend time with. Surround yourself with people who love Jesus and live by His wisdom. These are the people who challenge you, encourage you, and point you closer to God.  

And it doesn’t stop with hearing; wisdom needs action. Think about what you’ve learned, let it sink in, and put it into practice. That’s when God’s wisdom transforms you.  

When you listen and apply godly wisdom, you become someone others want to be around. You bring encouragement, joy, and light to those around you. That’s the kind of life God desires for you—one that reflects His love and wisdom.  

O - Own It  
Who are the people influencing your life? Are they pointing you to God or pulling you away? Take a moment to reflect on your circle.  

W - Worship through Prayer  
Lord, thank You for Your wisdom. Help me to listen, apply it, and surround myself with godly influences. Amen.  

N - Next Steps 
Start by reading Proverbs daily. Reflect on its wisdom and ask God to show you how to live it out.  

January 23

S - Scripture  
Proverbs 23  

I - In Focus  
“Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint.” Proverbs 23:4  

T - Theme  

D - Devotional  
Have you ever wished you had Superman’s powers? Super strength, invincibility, and laser vision sound incredible, right? But here’s the thing: even Superman has limits. He’s fictional! Yet, we sometimes act like we’re supposed to be just as strong and invulnerable.  

Proverbs 23:4 reminds us to know our limits: “Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint.” It’s about more than money—it’s about not exhausting ourselves chasing things that don’t last.  

Here’s the good news: we may not have Superman’s powers, but we’re not powerless. God has given us something far greater—the Holy Spirit. While Superman gets his strength from the sun, our strength comes from God living inside us. The Holy Spirit empowers us, gives us wisdom, and helps us in our weaknesses.  

We don’t have to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. Instead, we can rely on God’s strength and guidance to face life’s challenges. That’s a strength no superhero can match.  

O - Own It  
What’s one area of your life where you feel like you have to be “superhuman”? Take a moment to give that burden to God and ask for His strength instead.  

W - Worship through Prayer  
Lord, thank You for the power of the Holy Spirit in my life. Help me to rely on Your strength instead of my own. Amen.  

N - Next Steps  
Start each morning by inviting the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts, actions, and decisions. Trust His power to strengthen you throughout the day.  

January 24

S - Scripture  
Proverbs 24  

I - In Focus  
"Do your planning and prepare your fields before building your house." Proverbs 24:27 (NLT)  

T - Theme  
Before You Get Started  

D - Devotional 
Have you ever rushed into your day without a plan? Maybe you’ve skipped breakfast, left your to-do list behind, or just winged it. How does that usually go?  

Proverbs 24:27 offers simple but profound wisdom: “Do your planning and prepare your fields before building your house.” In other words, preparation is key. The writer isn’t just talking about farming or construction—this is a principle for life.  

When we dive into our tasks without pausing to sit with Jesus, we’re relying solely on our strength. But when we prioritize spending time with Him, we allow His wisdom to shape our plans. This doesn’t just change what we do; it changes how we do it.  

Think of it like starting a road trip with a full tank of gas. Spending time with God fills your spiritual tank and prepares you for whatever lies ahead. Don’t miss out on the peace, clarity, and direction He offers.  

O - Own It 
What’s one thing you can do today to put Jesus first? Take a moment to ask Him how He wants you to prepare for the day ahead.  

W - Worship through Prayer 
Lord, guide my steps today. Help me to pause, quiet my heart, and focus on You before anything else. Amen.  

N - Next Steps  
Set aside 10 minutes tomorrow morning to sit with Jesus. Pray, read His Word, and seek His guidance for your day. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.  

January 25

S - Scripture 
Proverbs 25  

I - In Focus  
“Like a bad tooth or a foot out of joint, so is confidence in an unfaithful person at the time of trouble.” Proverbs 25:19 (NET)  

T - Theme  

D - Devotional  
How confident are you in yourself? Confidence is not about being perfect—it’s about trusting God to work in and through you, even when life gets hard.  

But what about confidence in others? Trusting someone means believing they’ll come through for you. Proverbs 25:19 paints a vivid picture: putting confidence in an unfaithful person is like chewing with a broken tooth or walking on a sprained ankle—painful and unreliable.  

God calls us to be wise about who we trust, especially during tough times. People who love the Lord and demonstrate faithfulness are like sturdy bridges, helping us cross life’s challenges. But misplaced trust can leave us frustrated and hurt.  

The good news? God is perfectly faithful. You can place your full confidence in Him because He never fails. Start with trusting Him, and He’ll guide you toward relationships with trustworthy people who reflect His character.  

O - Own It  
Are there people in your life who strengthen your confidence in God? Who are the “bridges” helping you grow in faith? Take time to thank God for them—and ask for wisdom to discern where your trust belongs.  

W - Worship through Prayer  
Lord, help me trust You above all and surround myself with faithful people who honor You. Teach me to reflect Your faithfulness in my own life. Amen.  

N - Next Steps  
Ask God to reveal any relationships that hinder your spiritual growth. Seek His guidance to invest in people who encourage you in faith, and be a faithful friend to others.  

January 26

S - Scripture  
Proverbs 26  

I - In Focus  
“The lazy person claims, ‘There’s a lion on the road! Yes, I’m sure there’s a lion out there!’” Proverbs 26:13 (NLT)  

T - Theme  

D - Devotional  
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to make excuses? The lazy person in Proverbs 26:13 imagines a lion in the street to avoid stepping outside. While it sounds silly, it’s a lot like the excuses we make to avoid responsibility or tough decisions.  

Excuses can feel like shields, protecting us from discomfort or failure. But in reality, they’re often barriers keeping us from what God has planned. Whether it’s fear of failure, lack of motivation, or just the habit of procrastination, excuses can keep us stuck.  

God calls us to step out in faith, even when it’s hard. He doesn’t expect perfection, but He does invite us to trust Him instead of leaning on our excuses. What if the very thing you’re avoiding is the place where God wants to show His strength in your life?  

O - Own It  
Take a moment to reflect: Are there areas in your life where excuses are holding you back? What’s one step you can take to move forward today?  

W - Worship through Prayer  
Lord, help me to stop hiding behind excuses. Give me the courage to take responsibility and trust You to lead me forward. Amen.  

N - Next Steps  
This week, when you catch yourself making an excuse, pause and ask God for clarity and strength. Write down one excuse you’ve been making and the step you’ll take to overcome it.  

January 27

S - Scripture  
Proverbs 27  

I - In Focus  
“Don’t boast about tomorrow, for you don’t know what a day may bring.” Proverbs 27:1 (ESV)  

T - Theme  

D - Devotional  
Have you ever caught yourself saying, “I’ll do it tomorrow”? It’s tempting to push things off, especially when they feel overwhelming or inconvenient. But how often does “tomorrow” turn into next week—or never?  

Proverbs 27:1 warns us not to boast about tomorrow because none of us knows what the future holds. Today is the only day we’re guaranteed, and God invites us to make the most of it.  

This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t plan ahead—it’s wise to prepare for the future. But we can’t let the promise of tomorrow become an excuse to procrastinate or avoid living fully today. God has given you this day as a gift. How will you use it to honor Him?  

James echoes this truth, comparing our lives to a mist that appears briefly and then vanishes (James 4:14). This perspective isn’t meant to scare us but to remind us of what truly matters—seeking God and living purposefully.  

O - Own It  
What have you been putting off for “tomorrow”? Take a moment to pray and ask God how He wants you to use this day.  

W - Worship through Prayer  
Lord, thank You for the gift of today. Help me to focus on what You’ve given me and make the most of each moment. Amen.  

N - Next Steps  
Choose one thing you’ve been delaying and start on it today. Ask God for strength to take the first step and trust Him to guide the rest.  

January 28

S - Scripture  
Proverbs 28  

I - In Focus  
"The greedy person stirs up dissension, but the one who trusts in the Lord will prosper." Proverbs 28:25 (NET)  

T - Theme  
Trusting God  

D - Devotional  
Have you ever been around someone who always has to have their way? Greed—whether for money, control, or recognition—can create tension and division. Proverbs 28:25 shows the contrast between a greedy person and one who trusts in the Lord: one stirs up trouble, while the other finds prosperity.  

Trusting God is the opposite of greed. Greed says, “It’s all on me to make things happen.” Trust says, “God, I’m relying on You.” This doesn’t mean we stop working hard or making wise decisions, but it does mean we stop acting like everything depends on us.  

When we trust God, we shift the weight of our burdens to Him. He carries what we can’t, and His plans for us are always better than anything we could create on our own. Trusting God isn’t just a mindset—it’s a daily practice of surrendering control and leaning on His promises.  

O - Own It  
Where in your life are you holding on too tightly? Ask yourself: Am I trusting in God or in my own efforts? What’s one way I can rely on Him more today?  

W - Worship through Prayer  
Father, help me to trust You more than I trust myself. Teach me to lean on Your wisdom and surrender my need for control. Amen.  

N - Next Steps  
Today, whenever you feel tempted to take matters into your own hands, pause and pray

January 29

S - Scripture  
Proverbs 29  

I - In Focus  
“If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet.” Proverbs 29:9 (ESV)  

T - Theme  
The Folly of Arguing with a Fool  

D - Devotional  
Have you ever argued with someone who refuses to listen or see reason? It’s frustrating, isn’t it? Proverbs 29:9 gives us a vivid image of what happens: the fool rages and laughs, and peace is nowhere to be found.  

This verse teaches a valuable lesson: not every argument is worth having. Some people aren’t ready to hear the truth, and engaging with them only drains your energy. Discerning when to speak and when to stay silent is an essential part of wisdom.  

Jesus modeled this perfectly. When confronted with foolish accusations, He often chose silence or gave simple, pointed responses. He knew that arguing endlessly wouldn’t change a hardened heart.  

Following His example means asking ourselves: “Is this discussion productive, or am I just trying to win?” Wisdom sometimes means walking away, trusting that God can work in ways our words cannot.  

O - Own It  
Think about a recent argument or disagreement. Was it worth your energy? Ask God to help you recognize when it’s time to step back and trust Him.  

W - Worship through Prayer  
Lord, help me to discern when to engage and when to step away. Teach me to handle conflicts with wisdom and grace. Amen.  

N - Next Steps  
When faced with a potential argument this week, pause and pray before responding. Ask God to guide your words—or your silence—so you can reflect His wisdom.  

January 30

S - Scripture  
Proverbs 30  

I - In Focus  
“Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is my portion.” Proverbs 30:8  

T - Theme  
A Balanced Life  

D - Devotional  
Do you ever feel caught between wanting more and fearing having less? That tension can be exhausting. We long for financial security but also worry about the emptiness that possessions bring.  

The writer of Proverbs 30 understood this struggle. His prayer wasn’t for wealth or poverty but for balance: “Give me neither poverty nor riches; feed me with the food that is my portion.” He recognized that true peace comes not from abundance or lack but from trusting God as the provider of just enough.  

This kind of balance leads to contentment. It frees us from the anxiety of trying to hold onto too much or worrying about not having enough. Trusting God to provide for our needs helps us focus on Him, not our circumstances.  

Jesus echoed this idea when He taught us to pray for our “daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). Living one day at a time and trusting in God’s provision transforms our perspective and brings peace.  

O - Own It  
What areas of your life feel out of balance? Ask God to show you how to trust Him more and find contentment in His provision.  

W - Worship through Prayer  
Lord, thank You for providing what I need each day. Help me to trust You and live in contentment. Amen.  

N - Next Steps  
Take a moment to evaluate your life. Where are you striving for more than you need? Pray for balance and make a practical change to rely on God’s provision.  

January 31

S - Scripture  
Proverbs 31  

I - In Focus  
“What are you doing, my son? What are you doing, son of my womb? What are you doing, son of my vows?” Proverbs 31:2 (ESV)  

T - Theme  

D - Devotional  
“What” is such a small word, but it carries a lot of weight. We use it to question, express surprise, and seek understanding. In Proverbs 31:2, it’s the question of a mother urging her son, King Lemuel, to reflect on his choices and actions.  

This question invites accountability. Accountability is about taking responsibility for our actions—not just to other people but ultimately to God. It’s living with integrity, knowing that our lives reflect our faith.  

The freedom we have in Christ doesn’t mean we can live however we want. Instead, it calls us to stewardship and service. Every decision we make—how we speak, act, and treat others—echoes our commitment to God.  

Accountability isn’t about perfection; it’s about purpose. It’s about being willing to ask, “What am I doing? Am I living in a way that honors God and reflects His love to others?”  

O - Own It  
Take a moment to ask yourself: How do my actions reflect my faith? Are there areas where I need to align my life more closely with God’s will?  

W - Worship through Prayer  
Lord, help me to live with integrity and purpose. Teach me to take responsibility for my actions and honor You in everything I do. Amen.  

N - Next Steps  
Spend a few minutes each day reflecting on your choices. Ask God to guide your actions and help you live a life that points others to Him.