GFBC is blessed with a very active community of Senior Adults. We offer great opportunities for older adults to get to know others who care about them and to grow in their relationship with Christ.
Some of the opportunities we enjoy are weekly Worship and Bible Study; monthly Fellowship Luncheons; exciting Day Trips; Spring & Fall Bible Conference/Retreats; LIFEgroups and much more.
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Weekly Happenings in Senior Adult LIFE at GFBC
Sunday LIFEgroups
“The key to a large Church is small groups.”
Sunday LIFEgroups meet each week
at 8:00, 9:15 or 10:50 AM.
CLICK HERE to find a LIFEgroup
—Worship on Wednesday
10:00am | Fellowship Hall
[South Campus]
Weekly Worship, Prayer & Bible Study
designed for our Older Adult Community.
LIVE on Facebook @ GFBC SeniorAdult LIFE
or LIVE on YouTube @ GFBC SeniorAdult LIFE.
Upcoming Events
GriefShare Support Group
Jan 12 - April 13
Discover that you don't have to go through the grieving process alone. Griefshare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life's most difficult experiences.
$20 for Workbooks. (Scholarships available)
Register for Childcare HERE by Thursday of each week.
The Gathering
February 27 | 11:30am
South Campus
Fellowship Hall
Bring your favorite covered dish to share and join us at our monthly Senior Adult Fellowship Lunch.
Red Back Hymnal Singing
Saturday, April 5 | 5:00pm
North Campus
Worship Center
Come join us for an incredible evening of songs from the Red Back Church Hymnal. It's going to be a wonderful evening of worship, as we sing these timeless songs with a huge mass choir. If you want to sing in the mass choir, please come join us. We will do a sound check at 4:00pm.
Senior Adult Sunday lifegroups
Empty Nesters - Coed 70+
Sunday | 8:00 AM | Choir Suite
The Empty Nesters lifegroup is a vibrant group of older adults that aren't quite ready to call themselves "Seniors." These young at heart individuals enjoy topical Bible Study and a strong sense of community.
Lydia Class - Ladies 70+
Sunday | 8:00 AM | Room 108
The Lydia Class has a heart for missions. This ladies' lifegroup strives to develop an intimate walk with the Lord while recognizing God's call in each believer to take the Gospel across the street and around the world.
Andrew Class - Men 70+
Sunday | 8:00 AM | Room 110
The Andrew Class realizes that retirement is no reason to slow down in growing in the wisdom and truth of God's Word. The community of this men's lifegroup believes that iron sharpens iron.
Swanson Class - Men 70+
Sunday | 9:15 AM | Room 202
The Swanson Class utilizes 2 key components essential to a men's lifegroup. Scripture application and brotherhood. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken
Harold Dykes Class - Coed 70+
Sunday | 8:00 AM | Room 202
The Harold Dykes Class brings to the GFBC family a unique togetherness in it's lifegroup members. Love and laughter make for beautiful friendships while discovering the riches of God's Word.
Pastor's Class - Coed 70+
Sunday | 8:00 AM | Celebration Room
This lifegroup is for Senior Coeds. We will discuss many answers to the questions people are asking today!
Welcome/Martin Class - Coed 70+
Sunday | 8:00 AM | Room 201
The Welcome/Martin Class is a lifegroup that has been two separate loving, faithful classes at GFBC for many years. These two groups joined together in the Spring of 2019 to form one vibrant community with the desire to be a sustained witness for the Kingdom of God. Their purpose is evidenced by their passion for God's Word.
Hearts in One Accord - Coed 70+
Sunday | 9:15 AM | Room 108
In the Spring of 2020, The H.Y. Beasley Class and The Hearts in One Accord Class combined into one great lifegroup. This class knows that being discipled in God's Word also calls us to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. Life application of Biblical instruction is at the heart of this lifegroup.
Joy Class - Ladies 70+
Sunday | 9:15 AM | Room 201
The Joy Class knows that the community of a lifegroup is the backdrop that sets the stage for spiritual maturity through the discipleship and life application of God's Word. We are stronger together...
Burdeshaw - 70+
Sunday | 9:15 | Room 104
This lifegroup for Adult Coeds enjoys diving deeply into Bible Study and engaging in lively discussion.
Kingdom Seekers - Coed 70+
Sunday | 10:50 AM | Room 101
The Kingdom Seekers lifegroup believes that God's purpose for our lives is revealed in the journey as we seek to grow in our relationship with Jesus. God has a plan for your life! But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.
Grace - Ladies 70+
Sunday | 10:50 AM | Room 104
There is an acrostic for GRACE - God's Riches At Christ's Expense. As these ladies study God's Word, the Grace lifegroup challenges one another to look inward and discover God's riches through a relationship with Christ AND to love outward as Christ has loved them through His unconditional love and grace.