We believe prayer is not just an important part, but the essential component in discerning God's desire and direction for us. We want to be a “praying church," not just a church that prays. Therefore, we truly believe where prayer is the focus, God's power will fall. We need you to help us become a "praying church." We offer several Intercessory Prayer Ministries through which you can get involved.
““And pray on my behalf, that utterances may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador…” ”
Watchmen on the Walls is a monthly prayer guide designed for the purpose of equipping believers who believe in and are committed to intercessory prayer. This newsletter assists GFBC intercessory prayer warriors as we cry out to the Father on behalf of our church's mission to take the gospel of Jesus Christ across the street and around the world.
The Inner Prayer Room Ministry utilizes two on-campus prayer rooms. You can reserve a time slot and spend an hour each week in the presence of God as you pray and intercede for many different needs both here and around the world.
Prayer Resources
Prayer Opportunities
National Day of Prayer
24 Hour Day of Prayer & Fasting (For Specific Needs)
Prayer Walks
Prayer Partnership with Upward Sports
Special Classes to Assist & Equip