How to Give with PushPay
Why We Give
At GFBC we consider it an honor to "give" as an expression of worship. We believe it is important to give: so that GFBC can continue to move forward in all areas of ministry and service; so that we may always make a great impact on our community as the Kingdom of God; and because it is commanded of us in God's Word and honors Him when we attempt to accomplish our goal to "Give Ourselves Away."
Online Giving
Online giving is a safe and easy way to support God's work here and around the world. You can give online from your checking account or debit/credit card by clicking the "Give" button above.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Susan Hogeland at 205.488.8720 or email
One Time Gifts
By clicking the "Give” button above or texting GFBCAL to 77977, you will be able to set up an account to make a one time or recurring online contribution.
To mail your gift, please send a check to:
Gardendale First Baptist Church
940 Main Street
Gardendale, AL 35071
Recurring or Scheduled Gifts
To set up a recurring or scheduled gift, click the "Give” button above or text GFBCAL to 77977 and follow the instructions. Not only can you schedule payments and set up recurring withdrawals, you will also be able to print out online giving statements and more.
Financial Planning
Many Christians never consider the responsibility of taking care of those we leave behind or the privilege of making one last investment in the Kingdom of God. Estate planning allows you to live out your faith not only through your life, but also through your death. It will be your largest act of Christian financial stewardship! To help us, GFBC has enlisted PhilanthroCorp, a premier Christ-centered estate planning firm that is helping dozens of other churches with this tremendous need. Their purpose is to provide estate planning services to people who desire to honor God with their stewardship of their estate plan. They are not out to get your money, but simply offering a service that can help you obtain a Will if you do not have one or update your current Will if needed. Click here to visit our Financial Planning page.
“Just wanted to say thank you so much for making online giving possible. For several years, we have been sending our tithe through electronic banking, but the procedure had recently changed and instead of a payment being subtracted immediately, it started taking 2-3 weeks to clear. It was difficult to keep up with and weekly payments started piling up, causing much stress! We heard Pastor Kevin mention on a Sunday that online giving was available. It was the Lord’s perfect timing and we are so thankful!”