A Fun & Safe Environment for Kids

In the GFBC Kids Ministry, we are committed to building a relationship with God and to creating memories that last a lifetime while in a fun and safe environment.

Our Mission

At GFBC Kids, we believe that everything begins with GOD. Our goal is to lead children to place their FAITH in Jesus Christ, God’s Son, by teaching them to study God’s Word, by leading them in BELIEVER’S baptism and by challenging them to serve God as His CHILDREN. God alone can establish this through His love. We consider it an honor and a privilege to walk this faith journey with your child.  From Start to Finish, GFBC Kids will ensure that your child knows that God is love and that God loves them.  

Our Team


Ryan Taylor

Children’s Ministries


Beth Rogers

Preschool Ministries and Mother’s Day Out


Lacie Poit

Ministry Assistant



Stacie Mayfield

Preschool Curriculum Coordinator


Ann Graber

Children Curriculum Coordinator


Kelley Cornelius

Curriculum Assistant


Noe Chavez

Ministry Associate



For any kids finishing 2nd-5th grade this year, make sure to invite your parents to the Crossings Camp for Kids Information Meeting on Sunday, January 26 after the 10:50 service in the Kids Theater.  The Milestone Retreat will be Thursday, July 24-Sunday, July 27.  This year’s camp is back at Jonathans Creek in Hardin, KY.  For more information before the meeting check out, gfbc.com/kids or gocrossings.org.


VBS is going to be a fantastic week, but it wouldn’t be possible without volunteers like you! We need you to make FlashBack in Time the BEST VBS in history!

Volunteer registration is now open! Adults and students, 6th grade and older, can register to serve at VBS by clicking on the link below or contacting Lacie Poit at laciep@gfbc.org or 205-488-8741.

VBS will be June 2-6.

Welcome to GFBC Kids Preschool Ministry

Our Preschool Ministry is dedicated to teaching babies - K4 what it means to follow and live for Jesus Christ. We want them to have fun while they are beginning their walk in faith. Our prayer is that every child will come to know the Lord at an early age. 

Sunday Mornings

Come Join us for Lifegroups and worship!


9:15 AM

  • Lifegroups

10:50 AM

  • Lifegroups

  • K3 & K4 Church

Nursery Staff Needed!

The Preschool Ministry is hiring PAID nursery staff for our Baby, Toddler and Two-Year-Old Classes! You must be at least 16 years old, have a love for children and a strong desire to lead children to God. You will be required to work two Worship Services every other Sunday, with additional opportunities to work Wednesday Nights, Tuesday Bible Study, and Sunday Evenings.

For more information please contact our Ministry Assistant, Lacie. laciep@gfbc.org | 205-488-8741

Expectant Parents

Expectant Parents.png

Are you expecting a baby? We would love to bring a gift to you when your baby arrives. Please click the button below to fill out more information.

Parent Child Dedication


Upcoming DATES: February 16 & 19, 2025

May 11, 2025

October 12 & 15, 2025

Our Parent Child Dedication is a special time to make a commitment before God, your church and your family to raise your child in a Christ-centered home.


To make a reservation for Parent Child Dedication, please register at the link below.

Your child will receive a Bible and letter from Pastor Kevin to be opened on the day he/she receives Jesus Christ as their Savior. 

Mother's Day Out

GFBC MDO Logo.png

In our Mother's Day Out Program, your child will experience the love of Jesus as they are surrounded by the Word of God, songs of praise and Christian leadership in a safe environment. It is our desire that every child will come to know Jesus as their personal Savior and grow in their relationship with Him.

  • Meets at the North Campus Monday and Wednesday from 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM. Program runs August through July each year.

  • Babies - K2

  • We ask that you provide a snack for your child and a change of clothes in case of accidents.

  • For questions about the program or registration, please contact Beth Rogers at bethr@gfbc.org

  • To stay updated text MDO to 1-844-764-2017


All payments must be made online. To sign up for automatic deductions, please email Summer Johnson at summerj@gfbc.org.


Registration fee (non-refundable): $55.00 per school year

Supply: $45.00 per school year

Weekly Tuition: $55


GFBC Preschool Ministry

GFBC Preschool ministry hires Nursery Workers to care for our babies - 2’s and assist with our K3/K4 church. You must be at least 17 years of age and have a love for teaching children about Jesus. To apply, download the application below, complete it, and give it to Beth Rogers so an interview can be conducted.

Welcome to GFBC Kids Children's Ministry

Our Children's Ministry is dedicated to teaching children, K5 - 5th grade, what it means to follow and live for Jesus Christ. We want them to have fun and understand that living the life God has planned for them is exciting and full of joy.

Sunday Mornings


Come join us for lifegroups and worship!


9:15 AM

  • Lifegroups

10:50 AM

  • Kids Worship

Wednesday Nights

Kids Praise

Preschool | 3 Year Olds - K5
Preschool Building

Kids Praise for Preschool meets August - May. Children will sing, play, make crafts and have a wonderful time making friends.

1st - 5th grade

Kids Praise meets August - May and is not just about singing - it's a time children learn what it means to praise the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.

Children, 1st - 5th grade, will sing with the Adult Choir during our Christmas Program and will perform a musical in the Spring.

Education Programs

GFBC Education Programs is an outreach ministry of Gardendale First Baptist Church and we are committed to instructing and guiding each child spiritually, cognitively, socially and emotionally in a safe, nurturing environment. We provide the spiritual and academic foundation on which each child can become a life-long learner. 


It’s my child’s first time attending. How will they know where to go/what to do?

We are so excited that you are going to visit us! If this is your child's first time with us, you can visit one of our Information Desks to fill out a guest or new member form. Once you complete the form, we will assign your child to a class and walk them to their new room!

How do I check-in my child?

Checking in is so easy! Visit one of our kiosks, type in your 10-digit number and receive a printed name tag for your child and a security label for you. If you have any issues, visit our information desk and one of our serve team members will assist you. 

What is the check-out process?

When you are picking up your child, please present your security label to the serve team member. Only the adult with the security label will be allowed to pick up the child. In the event the security label cannot be presented, you must obtain permission from a Preschool Director or Children's Minister to pick up your child.

How can I be part of the Serve Team?

If you are interested in serving, complete the form below.

How do I sign up for Parent/Child Dedication?

Our Parent Child Dedication is a special time to make a commitment before God, your church and your family to raise your child in a Christ-centered home. We have two Sunday morning services and one Wednesday evening service from which to choose, three times per year for your convenience.


To make a reservation for Parent Child Dedication, please do the following:

Your child will receive a Bible and letter from Pastor Kevin to be opened on the day he/she receives Jesus Christ as their Savior. You will also receive a complimentary DVD of the service. 

How do I Lead my Child to Christ?