Welcome to the Family!

God made every person with a longing to belong. Here at GFBC, belonging means a lot more than just joining a church. Belonging means having a connection to a faith family for support, relationships and spiritual growth. We desire to assist adults in connecting, growing, and serving in order to become fulfilled followers of Christ. 

Sunday Lifegroups

8:00 AM

In His Steps
Room 101
Leader: Oscar Mann

Room 111
Leader: Bobby Fields

Worship Warriors
Room 102
Leader: Dale Patrick

9:15 AM

Room 102

Leader: Debbie Stovall

Choir Suite

Leader: Richard Bradley

Life Builders
Room 101

Leader: Darrin Gilliam

Men’s Group
Room 112
Leader: Mark Harrison

Whosoever Will
Room 115

Leader: Allen Oakley

10:50 AM

Room 115

Leader: Phil Croin

Coed Lifegroup
Room 102

Leader: Tracy Jackson

Room 107
Leader: Vince Adams

Room 201

Leader: Glenda Creatore