Welcome to GFBC Kids Preschool Ministry
Our Preschool Ministry is dedicated to teaching babies - K4 what it means to follow and live for Jesus Christ. We want them to have fun while they are beginning their walk in faith. Our prayer is that every child will come to know the Lord at an early age.
Sunday Mornings
Come Join us for Lifegroups and worship!
9:15 AM
10:50 AM
K3 & K4 Church
Nursery Staff Needed!
The Preschool Ministry is hiring PAID nursery staff for our Baby, Toddler and Two-Year-Old Classes! You must be at least 16 years old, have a love for children and a strong desire to lead children to God. You will be required to work two Worship Services every other Sunday, with additional opportunities to work Wednesday Nights, Tuesday Bible Study, and Sunday Evenings.
For more information please contact our Ministry Assistant, Lacie. laciep@gfbc.org | 205-488-8741
Expectant Parents
Are you expecting a baby? We would love to bring a gift to you when your baby arrives. Please click the button below to fill out more information.
Parent Child Dedication
Upcoming DATES: February 16 & 19, 2025
May 11, 2025
October 12 & 15, 2025
Our Parent Child Dedication is a special time to make a commitment before God, your church and your family to raise your child in a Christ-centered home.
To make a reservation for Parent Child Dedication, please register at the link below.
Your child will receive a Bible and letter from Pastor Kevin to be opened on the day he/she receives Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Mother's Day Out
In our Mother's Day Out Program, your child will experience the love of Jesus as they are surrounded by the Word of God, songs of praise and Christian leadership in a safe environment. It is our desire that every child will come to know Jesus as their personal Savior and grow in their relationship with Him.
Meets at the North Campus Monday and Wednesday from 8:30 AM - 1:00 PM. Program runs August through July each year.
Babies - K2
We ask that you provide a snack for your child and a change of clothes in case of accidents.
For questions about the program or registration, please contact Beth Rogers at bethr@gfbc.org
To stay updated text MDO to 1-844-764-2017
All payments must be made online. To sign up for automatic deductions, please email Summer Johnson at summerj@gfbc.org.
Registration fee (non-refundable): $55.00 per school year
Supply: $45.00 per school year
Weekly Tuition: $55