Deacon Nominations

Nominations for GFBC deacons are now being accepted by the Deacon Screening Team. After prayerful consideration and examining the biblical qualifications below, if God lays a man or men on your heart to serve as a Gardendale First Baptist Church deacon, please submit nomination(s) using the link below of men who meet the scriptural qualifications outlined below by Sunday, October 27. Nomination Forms are also located at the North Campus Information Desks.

Biblical Qualifications for Deacon

The office of a deacon is to honor Jesus Christ, serve the pastor, and minister to the church body. Any other concept does not line up with scripture (Acts 6 and 1 Timothy 3). The following biblical qualifications should be present in order to serve as a deacon at Gardendale First Baptist Church:

  • Born again believer living a Spirit-filled life (Ephesians 5:18)

  • Believes in salvation by God's grace through faith on the basis of the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ for sinners (John 3:16)

  • Does not exhibit a problem with gossip or negative talk (1 Timothy 3:8)

  • Believes the Bible to be the inspired Word of God, without error and the authority for all of life (2 Timothy 3:16)

  • Has a genuine compassion for the lost and seeks in his living and conversation to win them to Jesus (1 Timothy 3:13)

  • Gives regularly (tithes) to support financially the ministries of the church (Malachi 3:10)

  • Attends faithfully and is actively engaged in the church (Hebrews 10:25)

  • Fosters an atmosphere of unity and harmony in the church (Proverbs 6:19)

  • Demonstrates integrity, character, and dependability (James 3:5)

  • Sets a high standard of separated Christian living such as refraining from cursing, smoking, alcohol, or questionable places of amusement (1 Timothy 4:12)

  • If married, lives out the biblical mandate to be a "one woman man" (1 Timothy 3:2)

  • If married with children, oversees and manages his family well by providing godly, humble leadership (1 Timothy 3:12)

  • Recognizes the God-given spiritual leadership of the pastor and is willing to serve under the umbrella of that leadership (1 Peter 5:1-4)

  • Has been a member of Gardendale First Baptist Church for at least one year before his nomination (1 Timothy 3:10)